Scavenger Hunt

Save your scavenger hunt answers in Zotero.* Feel free to work in pairs or small groups.

  1. Find a digital collection compiled from multiple physical institutions/repositories. Identify at least two contributing repositories.
  2. Find a protected Wikipedia article about a historical topic.
  3. Find a public domain film clip depicting an historical event.
  4. Find a public domain image that Corbis is charging for. Collect both the Corbis and the public domain copy.
  5. Find a newspaper with archival issues in both a public domain collection and a pay for access collection.
  6. Find the homepage for the Center for History and New Media from 1998.

*To save a webpage which does not automatically register as Zotero-readable, right-click anywhere in your browser window (except on a link), scroll down to the Zotero menu and select “Create Web Page Item from Current Page.”ZoteroScreenshot