- Florida Memory, http://www.floridamemory.com/ (
- Host to the World: Waldorf-Astoria Archive, http://www.hosttotheworld.com/omeka/index
- Mary Washington Images Throughout the Years, (UMW undergraduate project) http://projects.umwhistory.org/images/
- Objects of Curiosity, Indian Boarding School Experiences and Postcards, https://boardingschoolpostcards.omeka.net/ (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, graduate student thesis)
- Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives, (NEH-funded, international collaborative exhibition) http://gulaghistory.org/
- Identities, Understanding Islam in a Cross-Cultural Context, http://marb.kennesaw.edu/identities/ (AAM & US State Department-funded, Museum of History and Holocaust Education (MHHE) at Kennesaw State University and the Ben M’Sik Community Museum (BMCM) at Hassan II University, Morocco, collaborative undergraduate student exhibit)
- Histories of the National Mall, RRCHNM (NEH-funded, multi-year grant) http://mallhistory.org
- Amy Borsuk, Beatrice Schuster, David J. Kim, Heather Blackmore, Jacqueline Wernimont, and Ulia Gosart (Popova), Performing Archive: Edward S. Curtis + “the vanishing race,” http://scalar.usc.edu/works/performingarchive/index
- Evan Bissell, Design and Programming by Erik Loyer, “Freedom’s Ring,” http://freedoms-ring.org/?view=Speech
- Colin Gordon, Growing Apart: A Political History of American Inequality, http://scalar.usc.edu/works/growing-apart-a-political-history-of-american-inequality/index
- Michelle Moravec, Unghosting Apparitional (Lesbian) Histories,” http://scalar.usc.edu/works/unghosting-apparitional-lesbians/index