In the summer of 2013, my colleague Dan Kerr and I organized a working group for the annual meeting of the National Council on Public History called, “Toward a History of Civic Engagement and the Progressive Impulse in Public History.” You can read a bit about it here. Fourteen of us engaged in a pre-conference conversation and worked together to shape a series of topics and questions that can help us historicize and theorize what may be considered the “radical” wing of our field –a wing populated by scholars who are interested in clearly identifying the ways in which history has served social justice over time. We want to continue our collaborative inquiry with an eye toward producing a work of scholarship (whether digitally or traditionally published). I hastily threw up a blogger site to enable ongoing conversation, but it poorly designed and disconnected from a broader discussion. WordPress is clearly a better platform because it is designed for content management and seems better suited for sharing research and collaborating. I’m already thinking about creating a second domain for this work!